Marker does not update coordinates in Google Maps for AngularJS

I am using Google Maps for AngularJS and have the following Jade code:

  google-map(center='', zoom='map.zoom', draggable='true', options='options', events='')
     marker(coords='marker.coords', options='marker.options', idkey='')


In my angular controller, I have:

$ = {center: {latitude: 42.2405, longitude: -8.7207 }, zoom: 12, events: {
        click: function (map, eventName, args) {
            $scope.marker.coords.latitude = args[0];
            $scope.marker.coords.longitude = args[0].latLng.lng();

$scope.marker = {
        id: 0,
        coords: {
            latitude: 42.2405, longitude: -8.7207
        options: { draggable: true }


I am trying to update the location of the marker on every click. In console.log($scope.marker);

I can see that my marker is printing the updated coordinate value, but the red pin is not moving around the map.

I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong.


The marker moves to a new location after the map is resized, so I figured it was a matter of the map not updating when the marker location changed. Should this be reported as a bug? Anything I can do to fix this problem?


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1 answer

At last! After reading a bit on $ apply () here and here and finding solutions like this one where it mentions:

wrap your callback body in $scope.$apply(function () { ... });

. Remember that your event comes from a non-Angular world.

I found this other post where it just adds $scope.$apply();

to the end of the click function.

This last solution was the only one for me. I posted the whole process because I am curious about $ apply ().



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