MPNowPlayingInfoCenter resets almost immediately

in iOS7 I was able to set MPNowPlayingInfoCenter.nowPlayingInfo with standard stuff (make sure I have AVAudioSession, with AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback category). Everything worked fine. Now, with the update to iOS8, information starts to flicker on the screen and then is reset to nothing. (The exception is that I first start playing the audio file and set the data and then lock it. If I do not touch anything, the information remains on the screen). I keep a dictionary with all the keys / values ​​required by the clearinghouse and see that they contain the correct values ​​on any change (e.g. if the user hits the play / pause buttons, skips the buttons).

edit: if I checkout my code that refreshes the clearinghouse after playing or pausing is removed, the clearing itself is cleared regardless (and I don't have any code that does this). I got around this via dispatch_after with a 200ms delay to adjust the playback speed in the information center. This adds up in everything, however the fact that it cleans it up seems to be a new ios8 bug that I am handling incorrectly. This is on iPad 2 .: @


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