Entity Framework Designer First get navigation property as tasks

The Tasks pattern says that in order to be consistent, everything must be fully asynchronous or completely non-asynchronous.

By using the entity framework constructor I can achieve this quite easily.

var course = await db.Courses.FindAsync(CourseID);


Courses are a DbSet generated by the entity framework and therefore have all Async methods. The problem is that if I add a navigation property to this class, the latter is not a DbSet and does not contain aync method definition.

As an example, if I add a navigation property to the Students table, it will be created as a virtual student ICollection which means I cannot use asynchronous methods. But I want the entity framework to automatically generate Task <> to be able to wait for even navigation properties.

Is it possible? my goal is to achieve something like this:

var course = await db.Courses.FindAsync(CourseID);
var student = await course.Students.FindAsync(StudentID);


while my options are mixing async / notAsync code:

var course = await db.Courses.FindAsync(CourseID);
var student = course.Students.First(p => p.ID = StudentID);


or not use the navigation property at all:

var course = await db.Courses.FindAsync(CourseID);
var student = await db.Students.Where(p => p.CourseID == course.ID && p.ID == StudentsID).FirstAsync();


Can you suggest a solution that doesn't require any code in the first place?

EDIT according to https://entityframework.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Task-based%20Asynchronous%20Pattern%20support%20in%20EF.#AsyncLazyLoading what I was looking for is called "Async Lazy Loading" and is not a function yet (and maybe never will) Seems like you can use Lazy Loading OR async, maybe I just need to wrap the property in Task, waiting for Task.Run (course .Students.First (p => p.ID = StudentID )), but I'm not sure if that's a good idea.


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1 answer

In my opinion, lazy loading (which I think will take place when enumerating a navigation property will result in a database access) is a bad access pattern, as it simply means that the database access will happen in surprising places, which is can make it difficult to predict applications.

All solutions below use import from System.Data.Entity


Solution 1 : use download withInclude

var course = await db.Courses.Include(c => c.Students).FirstOrDefaultAsync(c => c.ID == CourseID);
var student = course.Students.First(p => p.ID == StudentID);



  • One database access required to load all objects, and this solution scales very well if you want to get more than one object Course

    at a time;
  • The nav property is Students

    loaded and can be used freely;


  • There is always at least one access to the database;
  • The entire set of related objects is Student

    loaded, even if you only need one:

Solution 2 : use a method LoadAsync

that exists in a specific collection class;

This solution relies on the fact that the lazy-loaded collections are taken from the class EntityCollection<TEntity>


First I would define an extension method:

public static async Task LoadAsync<T>(ICollection<T> collection)
    where T : class
    if (collection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("collection");

    var entityCollection = collection as System.Data.Entity.Core.Objects.DataClasses.EntityCollection<T>;

    if (entityCollection == null || entityCollection.IsLoaded) return;
    await entityCollection.LoadAsync(CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);


Then you could write something like:

var course = await db.Courses.FindAsync(CourseID);
await course.Students.LoadAsync();
var student = course.Students.First(p => p.ID = StudentID);



  • In fact, you may not be able to access the database if the objects are already loaded in the context;
  • Loading the navigation property is guaranteed Students



  • Susceptibility to "N + 1 requests" problem;
  • Both Course

    , the set of related objects Student

    can grow black, which can cause concurrency problems along the way; (note that concurrency issues affecting relationships are more difficult to solve than concurrency issues affecting a single record).

Solution 3 : Use a CreateSourceQuery

class-specific method to load only the objects Student

you want.

OK, this doesn't work, and it's actually a pretty bad idea.

However, a solution with the same advantages / disadvantages can be written, but in a different way:

var course = await db.Courses.FindAsync(CourseID);
var studentsQuery = from c in db.Courses
                    where c.ID == CourseID
                    from s in c.Students
                    select s;
var student = await studentsQuery.FirstAsync(p => p.ID = StudentID);



  • You only load one Student

    object that you intend to use;


  • The navigation property is Students

    not loaded, which means it cannot be used without potentially triggering database access;
  • The second line will always trigger database access (susceptible to "N + 1 queries" issue or even start method time);

Solution 4 : Loaded Loading, More Selective: Load both the course and the student you are interested in in the original LINQ query.

I'm not 100% sure that this solution will work as written.

var query = from c in db.Courses
            where c.ID == CourseID
            select new { course = c, student = c.Students.First(p => p.ID == StudentID) };

var result = await query.FirstOrDefaultAsync();
var course = result.course;
var student = result.student;



  • Only one database access is required to retrieve both objects;
  • You are only fetching the objects you will be working on,


  • The navigation property is Students

    not loaded, which means it cannot be used without potentially triggering database access;

** When to use which solution? **

  • If you need to populate the navigation property (either because you know you are using most of its elements, or because you want to pass the parent object to another component that is allowed to use that property it wants), then use solution 1 or 2;
  • If you don't need to populate the navigation property, use solution 4. Only use solution 3 if you have an explicitly loaded object Course



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