(F) lex how to print a string with a match

I'm really not familiar with lex / flex. I am trying to debug some legacy flex codes. I want to see text that matches a certain rule.


[a-z]*      {"some C code"  "need to print the string that matched this rule"}


eg. if johndoe@xyz.com

is the input, I need to print the matched string i.e.johndoe

I tried typing yytext

, but it only shows me the first character.


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1 answer

If you are trying to debug and are using flex

, then you probably want to use the option -d

when you translate your flex input file to C

. This will create a debug scanner that will automatically report all rule matches (as well as other events).

See flex manual for details

If you really want to insert statements printf

, this should work fine:

printf("The matched text is <%s>\n", yytext);




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