How to disable VLCMediaPlayer AlertView error?

I am using the VLCMediaPlayer class from the MobileVLCKit library to make an audio streaming application. My problem is that when an error occurs (like a wrong stream url) it automatically warns of its own error message. In my case, I would like to disable this warning message and display it of my own.

VLCMediaPlayer Error Message


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3 answers

There is no need to remove this option from the source! Just pass the player option like this:

NSArray *options = @[@"--extraintf="];
VLCMediaPlayer *player = [[VLCMediaPlayer alloc] initWithOptions:options];




I solved it by going to VLCLibrary.m in the VLC source code and removing this line:



from the call to _defaultOptions.

remove it, compile the library again and you won't see any more messages.



with the recent (MobileVLCKit-prod 2.7.9) MobileVLCKit you can implement VLCCustomDialogRendererProtocol on some object after this

@property (nonatomic, strong) VLCDialogProvider * dialogProvider;
        //dump information
        VLCLibrary * lib=[VLCLibrary sharedLibrary];

        //configure dialog provider
        self.dialogProvider=[[VLCDialogProvider alloc] initWithLibrary:lib customUI:YES];



your Dialog Provider implementation can show any dialog it likes, or nothing at all. Example "just a log, but displaying nothing" versions of delegate methods

#pragma mark - VLCCustomDialogRendererProtocol methods

 * called when VLC wants to show an error
 * \param the dialog title
 * \param the error message
- (void)showErrorWithTitle:(NSString * _Nonnull)error
                   message:(NSString * _Nonnull)message {
    CLogERROR(LOGDOMAIN_MINIPLAYER,@"VLC Error:%@:%@",error,message);

 * called when user logs in to something
 * If VLC includes a keychain module for your platform, a user can store stuff
 * \param login title
 * \param an explaining message
 * \param a default username within context
 * \param indicator whether storing is even a possibility
 * \param reference you need to send the results to
- (void)showLoginWithTitle:(NSString * _Nonnull)title
                   message:(NSString * _Nonnull)message
           defaultUsername:(NSString * _Nullable)username
             withReference:(NSValue * _Nonnull)reference {

    CLogWARN(LOGDOMAIN_MINIPLAYER,@"VLC login request:title:%@,message:%@,username:%@ reference:%@",title,message,username,reference);
    //we should respond with postUsername... but we can't...and we are not supposed to so anyway


 * called when VLC needs the user to decide something
 * \param the dialog title
 * \param an explaining message text
 * \param a question type
 * \param cancel button text
 * \param action 1 text
 * \param action 2 text
 * \param reference you need to send the action to
- (void)showQuestionWithTitle:(NSString * _Nonnull)title
                      message:(NSString * _Nonnull)message
                 cancelString:(NSString * _Nullable)cancelString
                action1String:(NSString * _Nullable)action1String
                action2String:(NSString * _Nullable)action2String
                withReference:(NSValue * _Nonnull)reference {

    NSString * questionTypeString;
    switch (questionType) {
        case VLCDialogQuestionNormal:
        case VLCDialogQuestionWarning:
        case VLCDialogQuestionCritical:
    CLogWARN(LOGDOMAIN_MINIPLAYER,@"VLC Question:Type:%@ Title:%@ Message:%@, cancel:%@,action1:%@,action2:%@,reference:%@",
              questionTypeString, title,message,cancelString,action1String,action2String,reference);
    //just cancel
    [self.dialogProvider postAction:3 forDialogReference:reference];

 * called when VLC wants to show some progress
 * \param the dialog title
 * \param an explaining message
 * \param indicator whether progress indeterminate
 * \param initial progress position
 * \param optional string for cancel button if operation is cancellable
 * \param reference VLC will include in updates
- (void)showProgressWithTitle:(NSString * _Nonnull)title
                      message:(NSString * _Nonnull)message
                 cancelString:(NSString * _Nullable)cancelString
                withReference:(NSValue * _Nonnull)reference {
    CLogWARN(LOGDOMAIN_MINIPLAYER,@"VLC Progress:Title:%@ Message:%@, cancel:%@, position:%f,reference %@",title,message,cancelString,position,reference);
    //just try to cancel
    [self.dialogProvider dismissDialogWithReference:reference];


/** called when VLC wants to update an existing progress dialog
 * \param reference to the existing progress dialog
 * \param updated message
 * \param current position
- (void)updateProgressWithReference:(NSValue * _Nonnull)reference
                            message:(NSString * _Nullable)message
                            postion:(float)position {
    CLogWARN(LOGDOMAIN_MINIPLAYER,@"VLC Progress update:Message:%@,  position:%f,reference:%@",message,position,reference);
    //just try to cancel
    [self.dialogProvider dismissDialogWithReference:reference];

/** VLC decided to destroy a dialog
 * \param reference to the dialog to destroy
- (void)cancelDialogWithReference:(NSValue * _Nonnull)reference {
    CLogWARN(LOGDOMAIN_MINIPLAYER,@"VLC cancel dialog,referecne %@... ok",reference);




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