Registering instances of the same type with a simple injector

I just selected Simple Injector and all I want to do now is:

Container.Register<IMessageHandler>(() => new MessageHandlerOne());
Container.Register<IMessageHandler>(() => new MessageHandlerTwo());


I'm just trying to register two message handlers so I can iterate over them later.

To get those registered instances back this method sounds like it's a trick.

var instances = Container.GetAllInstances<IMessageHandler>();
//why doesn't instances contain both MessageHandlerOne, and MessageHandlerTwo ?


Instead, it comes back empty IEnumerable


What am I doing wrong? For something called Simple Injector, do you think this will work? Am I thinking this wrong?


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1 answer

What you are trying to do should fail with an exception on the second call Container.Register<IMessageHandler>

, as the simple injector API clearly distinguishes registering collections .

In other words, if you want to enable collection, you need to register the collection:





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