Limiting NHibernate comparison with merged date
There is a great question in this question: imagine this question: NHibernate COALESCE problem
I need to be able to compare a date object with a date value from an inner join. Unfamiliar territory here was the implementation of this COALESCE along with the LT date limit
Here is my current SQL query
FROM Sites
ON Site_Key = SiteWFInfo_Site_Key
AND SiteWFInfo_Effective_Date <= @today
AND @today <= SiteWFInfo_End_Date
INNER JOIN Profit_Centers
ON Site_Key = ProfCtr_Site_Key
AND ProfCtr_Open_Date <= @today
AND @today < Coalesce(ProfCtr_Close_Date, '6/6/2079')
I would like to know how to use a constant instead of the ExpenseReport.PeriodFrom ==> left property.
Ideally I would like to set left / right
// DateTime effDate is passed in
var left = Projections.Property<DateTime>(effDate);
var right = Projects.SqlFunction("COALESCE",
Projections.Constant(DateTime.Parse("6/6/2079").Date, NHibernateUtil.DateTime),
Projections.Property<ProfitCenter>(pc => pc.CloseDate));
Then when the constraint is called
var restriction = Restrictions.LtProperty(left, right);
So when I create a QueryOver <> I can replace that constraint object for one of the Where clauses
var foo = CurrentSession().QueryOver<Site>(() => sa)
.Inner.JoinQueryOver<ProfitCenter>(() => pca)
This required the introduction of a new "flattened" domain "ResultModel" (SiteWithWindowsTimezoneId) so that I could return a more specific model from my request and avoid lazy loading all other things currently related to the site. This new query style turned the 16 + sql query method into a single query. The savings were worth the time. Thanks again for your help. I hope this gist is helpful to someone in the future.
SiteWorkforceInfo swia = null;
SiteWorkforceConfig swcfg = null;
ProfitCenter pca = null;
Site sa = null;
SiteWithWindowsTimezoneId siteResult = null;
var leftProfCloseDate = Projections.Constant(effectiveDate);
var rightProfCloseDate = Projections.SqlFunction("COALESCE",
Projections.Property<ProfitCenter>(pc => pc.CloseDate),
Projections.Constant(DateTime.Parse("6/6/2079").Date, NHibernateUtil.DateTime)
var profCloseDateRestriction = Restrictions.LtProperty(leftProfCloseDate, rightProfCloseDate);
var activeSites = CurrentSession().QueryOver<SiteWorkforceInfo>(() => swia)
.Inner.JoinQueryOver<Site>(() => swia.Site, () => sa)
.Left.JoinQueryOver<SiteWorkforceConfig>(() => sa.SiteWFConfig, () => swcfg)
.Inner.JoinQueryOver<ProfitCenter>(() => sa.ProfitCenters, () => pca)
.Where(() => swia.EffectiveDate <= effectiveDate)
.Where(() => effectiveDate <= swia.EndDate)
.Where(() => pca.OpenDate <= effectiveDate)
.Where(() => swia.TimeCaptureRule > 0)
list => list
.Select(() => sa.Key).WithAlias(() => siteResult.Key)
.Select(() => sa.Id).WithAlias(() => siteResult.Id)
.Select(() => sa.IdFormatted).WithAlias(() => siteResult.IdFormatted)
.Select(() => sa.Description).WithAlias(() => siteResult.Description)
.Select(() => swcfg.WindowsTimezoneId).WithAlias(() => siteResult.WindowsTimezoneId)
return activeSites;
--- Result request ---
SELECT sa1_.Site_Key as y0_,
sa1_.Site_Id as y1_,
sa1_.Site_Id_Formatted as y2_,
sa1_.Site_Description as y3_,
swcfg2_.SiteWFCfg_Windows_Timezone_Id as y4_
FROM Sites_WF_Info this_
inner join Sites sa1_
on this_.SiteWFInfo_Site_Key=sa1_.Site_Key
inner join Profit_Centers pca3_
on sa1_.Site_Key=pca3_.ProfCtr_Site_Key
left outer join Sites_WF_Configuration swcfg2_
on sa1_.Site_Key=swcfg2_.SiteWFCfg_Site_Key
WHERE this_.SiteWFInfo_Effective_Date <= @p0
and @p1 <= this_.SiteWFInfo_End_Date
and pca3_.ProfCtr_Open_Date <= @p2
and @p3 < coalesce(pca3_.ProfCtr_Close_Date, @p4)
and this_.SiteWFInfo_TimeCapRule_Key > @p5
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If I understand correctly, we need to replace the left
(currently property projection) with a constant projection effDate
. Then we can do it like this:
// instead of this
// var left = Projections.Property<DateTime>(effDate);
// we would use this
// DateTime effDate is passed in
var effDate = DateTime.Today.Date; // C# today
var left = Projections.Constant(effDate);
And also we have to switch (reorder) our "COALESCE" because the property must come first: Coalesce (ProfCtr_Close_Date, '6/6/2079')
var right = Projects.SqlFunction("COALESCE",
// As DOC of COALESCE says:
// "Evaluates the arguments in order and returns the current value of
// the first expression that initially does not evaluate to NULL."
Projections.Property<ProfitCenter>(pc => pc.CloseDate),
Finally, we have to use the same alias for the joined columns. Adjust the main query a bit:
var foo = CurrentSession().QueryOver<Site>(() => sa)
.Inner.JoinQueryOver<ProfitCenter>(() => sa.ProfitCenter, () => pca)
And the right side should also use pca
var right = Projects.SqlFunction("COALESCE",
// be sure that column goes to correct table
// ==> use the same alias
Projections.Property(() => pca.CloseDate),
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