Read csv with double quotes with lumenwork csv reader

I am reading a csv file using Lumenworks csv reader. Below is an example entry

"001-0000265-003"|"Some detail"|"detal1"|"detail2"|"detal3"|"detail4"|"detail5"|"detail6"


I created a class with below constructor to read this file

using (var input = new CsvReader(stream, true, '|'))
//logic to create an xml here


This works great when there are no double quotes inside the parts. But when scenarios like this are like

"001-0000265-003"|"Some " detail"|"detal1"|"detail2"|"detal3"|"detail4"|"detail5"|"detail6"


the reader throws an exception

An unhandled exception of type 'LumenWorks.Framework.IO.Csv.MalformedCsvException' occurred in LumenWorks.Framework.IO.dll


So, I used the CsvReader constructor which takes 7 arguments,

CsvReader(stream, true, '|', '"', '"', '#', LumenWorks.Framework.IO.Csv.ValueTrimmingOptions.All))


But still I am getting the same error. Please submit any suggestions.

I am reading a complex file like this:

"001-0000265-003"|"ABC 33"X23" CDE 32'X33" AAA, BB'C"|"detal1"|"detail2"|"detal3"|"detail4"|"detail5"|"detail6"



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1 answer

I tested it with your sample data and it is quite difficult to fix this wrong line (from Catch

-block for example ). So I would not use quotes, but instead just use the pipe separator and remove "

later via csv[i].Trim('"')


Here's a method that parses the file and returns all lines:

private static List<List<string>> GetAllLineFields(string fullPath)
    List<List<string>> allLineFields = new List<List<string>>();
    var fileInfo = new System.IO.FileInfo(fullPath);

    using (var reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(fileInfo.FullName, Encoding.Default))
        Char quotingCharacter = '\0'; // no quoting-character;
        Char escapeCharacter = quotingCharacter;
        Char delimiter = '|';
        using (var csv = new CsvReader(reader, true, delimiter, quotingCharacter, escapeCharacter, '\0', ValueTrimmingOptions.All))
            csv.DefaultParseErrorAction = ParseErrorAction.ThrowException;
            //csv.ParseError += csv_ParseError;  // if you want to handle it somewhere else
            csv.SkipEmptyLines = true;

            while (csv.ReadNextRecord())
                List<string> fields = new List<string>(csv.FieldCount);
                for (int i = 0; i < csv.FieldCount; i++)
                        string field = csv[i];
                    } catch (MalformedCsvException ex)
                        // log, should not be possible anymore
    return allLineFields;


Testing and output with a file that contains your sample data:

List<List<string>> allLineFields = GetAllLineFields(@"C:\Temp\Test\CsvFile.csv");
    foreach (List<string> lineFields in allLineFields)
        Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",", lineFields.Select(s => string.Format("[{0}]", s))));

[001-0000265-003],[Some detail],[detal1],[detail2],[detal3],[detail4],[detail5],[detail6]
[001-0000265-003],[Some " detail],[detal1],[detail2],[detal3],[detail4],[detail5],[detail6]




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