Copy a list of files from one location to another in Linux
I am trying to copy a partial list of files on disk to a folder on another disk. The list of files to copy is in a text file that I tried to provide a bash script as well as some cp and xargs commands to no avail. Below is an attempt at bash.
while read line
find . -iname "$line" -exec cp '{}' /my/destination/drive \;
done < file_list.txt
The text file is read as filenames without extensions like below
I've also tried xargs and pax with the attempts below, also to no avail.
cat file_list.txt | xargs cp -t /my/destination/drive
find . -type f -exec pax -rws'|.*/||' < file_list.txt /my/destination/drive/ '{}' \;
This question came close, but not quite. Any suggestions?
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