DataTable inside dialog results in wrong width

I want to show p:dataTable

inside the modal p:dialog

(entries to be deleted). When I do something similar to the above example, the dialog is displayed at 100% width. How can I avoid this? Without the p:dataTable

dialog box is displayed according to its contents.

Minimal example:

<p:dialog header="Example" widgetVar="exampleDlg" closable="true" 
          resizable="false" appendTo="@(body)" modal="true">
    <h:form id="exampleForm">
        <p:dataTable emptyMessage="Even an empty DataTale">


I'm pictured with Primefaces 5.1, but with 5.0 it's the same. I tried afterdark, bootstrap and default theme and always the same problem.


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2 answers

You probably have a datatype like this with some scalable / percentage width like width: 100%;

, so the dialog takes up all the space to represent the width of the corresponding datatable accordingly. Thus, you have two options:

Give the dialog a width:

<p:dialog header="Example" widgetVar="exampleDlg" closable="true" 
                      resizable="false" appendTo="@(body)" modal="true" width="50%">



<p:dialog header="Example" widgetVar="exampleDlg" closable="true" 
                      resizable="false" appendTo="@(body)" modal="true" width="400">


Or specify a fixed data width:

<p:dataTable emptyMessage="Even an empty DataTale" style="width: 300px;">




An elegant (if not the best) way to solve your problem is to use CSS Media Queries . You can only "fit" your data with classes.

For example,


<p:dialog header="My Dialog Name" styleClass="my-dialog-class">
        <p:dataTable id="myTable">



@media(min-width: 320px) {
    .my-dialog-class {
        width: 318px !important;
@media(min-width: 360px) {
    .my-dialog-class {
        width: 358px !important;


Here we assume that between 320 and 360px our dialog will always be 318px.



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