IOS xcode 6 app doesn't work properly in iOS7, app leaves some black space on top and bottom

I am building an ios app in xocde 6 and it runs in a simulator (iphone5 iOS 8.0) it works very well. But it doesn't work in iphone 5 iOS 7.0 simulator or iphone iOS 7.0 device. The app leaves some space at the top and bottom. So please help me how to solve this.

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2 answers

First of all, you must add the required default image for the 4 "screen. Make sure you have an image in your project named Default-568h@2x.png (640 x 1136 pixels)

If you add this image to a project, remove the old assembly from the device or simulator, clean the project, and re-create.



To resolve this issue, you need to run a startup image, try running the appropriate sizes.



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