LG G3 support, limited to phones only

I have an Android app that is only available on mobile phones. I am currently using an example from Google Docs where I have set the compatible screen elements in the manifest. A user recently complained that the play store says the app is not compatible with the phone and they have an LG G3. After researching it, I realized that the problem was most likely causing my screen resolution on a phone not compatible with the screens I identified. I ran into this post Android app in Google Play Store is not compatible with LG G3 (Density 538, Size 2560x1440)?, which shows an additional screen element to be defined. My question is, can anyone confirm that using this extra screen element with the screenSize parameter set will work fine and the screen density set to 640 will work?

<screen android:screenDensity="640" android:screenSize="normal" />


I want users with this phone to use the app, however, I want the app to be limited to only mobile phones at this time.


    android:targetSdkVersion="10" />

<!-- Only permit app to be used on handsets, prevent tablets -->
    <!-- all small size screens -->
    <screen android:screenDensity="ldpi" android:screenSize="small" />
    <screen android:screenDensity="mdpi" android:screenSize="small" />
    <screen android:screenDensity="hdpi" android:screenSize="small" />
    <screen android:screenDensity="xhdpi" android:screenSize="small" />
    <screen android:screenDensity="480" android:screenSize="small" />
    <!-- all normal size screens -->
    <screen android:screenDensity="ldpi" android:screenSize="normal" />
    <screen android:screenDensity="mdpi" android:screenSize="normal" />
    <screen android:screenDensity="hdpi" android:screenSize="normal" />
    <screen android:screenDensity="xhdpi" android:screenSize="normal" />
    <!-- Nexus 5 : 445ppi -->
    <screen android:screenDensity="480" android:screenSize="normal" />
    <!-- LG G3 QHD Resolution -->
    <screen android:screenDensity="640" android:screenSize="small" />
    <screen android:screenDensity="640" android:screenSize="normal" />



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1 answer

As far as I remember, I could have allowed my app on a per-device basis in my PlayStore publishing account. It would be more accurate but not easy to maintain.

Another approach: try to find a feature that separates the devices you are targeting. Set a <uses feature>-Tag

accordingly. I would immediately think of the "telephony" function. All features and usage: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/uses-feature-element.html

General information about all filters: http://developer.android.com/google/play/filters.html



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