Save global variables in Matlab

In Matlab, when declaring a variable as global and saving it using the save () command, the variable is also global after loading the .mat file into a new session. The following code shows this behavior:

At the beginning, I have no variables:

>> who
>> who global


Then I create a global variable and save it:

>> global settings
>> settings.test = 1;
>> who

Your variables are:


>> who global

Your variables are:


>> save('test.mat','settings');


After that, I clear the workspace and globals (or start a new Matlab session)

>> clear
>> clearvars -global
>> who
>> who global


When I load the .mat file, the variable is marked as global again, even if I don't specify it now.

>> load test.mat
>> who

Your variables are:


>> who global

Your variables are:


>> clear
>> who
>> who global

Your variables are:



Is there a way to prevent this behavior?

It seems to me that the "global" flag is stored with a variable. Is this really helpful? Suppose we sent me a mat data file where the variables are declared global. Even when loading this file in a function, it will propagate data in my full session. For me this makes the Matlab code very vulnerable.

Thanks in advance.


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1 answer

As Dan pointed out in the comments, loading a math file containing a global variable into a struct will strip the global attribute.

foo = load('settings.mat'); 


To fix a global issue with minimal impact on the rest of the code and what the settings.mat file generates and uses, you could extract the field you want:

foo = load('settings.mat');
settings = foo.settings;


This both removes the global attribute and declares where the parameter variable comes from. (Which really helps when doing the inevitable code archeology later on).



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