Associated personal restriction symbols

I was looking for an answer to a very simple question, How do I stop the user from entering 250 characters into the Handsontable cell? I found I could recreate the validation, but that would not stop the user from entering more than 250 characters. I'm looking for something like maxlength:

<input id="notes" maxlength="250" />

var date_validator_regexp = /(^$|^(0[1-9]|1[012])[/](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[/][0-9]{4}$)/;
var limit_validator_regexp = /(^[\s\S]{0,250}$)/;

            startRows: 1,
            startCols: 2,
            colHeaders: ["Date", "Notes"],
            columnSorting: false,
            enterBeginsEditing: false,
            autoWrapRow: true,
            autoWrapCol: true,
            minSpareRows: 1,
            colWidths: [140, 450],
            removeRowPlugin: true,
            copyPaste: true,
            afterValidate: function (isValid, value, row, prop, source) {
                if (isValid == false && prop === "Notes") {
                    alert("The Notes cannot have more than 250 characters.");
            columns: [
                  data: "NoteDate",
                  type: "date",
                  dateFormat: "mm/dd/yy",
                  allowInvalid: false,
                  validator: date_validator_regexp
                  data: "Notes",
                  allowInvalid: false,
                  validator: limit_validator_regexp



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2 answers

This question has been going on for several months, so Filjan may no longer need an answer. But hopefully this helps someone.

Instead of using a regular expression as a validator, you can use a function.

Defining a column like this worked for me ...

cmlCols = [
       data: "Notes",
       validator: function (value, callback) {
           if (value.length > 255) {
               alert('Must be 255 character or less. Extra characters will be removed');
               this.instance.setDataAtCell(this.row, this.col, value.substring(0, 255), null);




I think creating a new cell editor seems like the best way to approach this:

(function (Handsontable) {

'use strict';

var MaxLengthEditor = Handsontable.editors.TextEditor.prototype.extend();

MaxLengthEditor.prototype.prepare = function () {
    Handsontable.editors.TextEditor.prototype.prepare.apply(this, arguments);

    this.TEXTAREA.maxLength = this.cellProperties.maxLength;

Handsontable.editors.MaxLengthEditor = MaxLengthEditor;
Handsontable.editors.registerEditor('maxlength', MaxLengthEditor);





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