Cordova 4.0.0 installs 3.6.4

I have updated to Cordova 4.0.0. Whenever I run cordova platform add android

it pulls the 3.6.4 Cordova library. What am I missing?

$ cordova -v
$ cordova platform add android
npm http GET
npm http 200
npm http GET
npm http 200


EDIT: I've cleared any npm cache.


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1 answer

There are two different questions here.

Q # 1 is the OP's question, essentially "Why do I see cordova 3.6.4 being loaded when I installed cordova 4.0.0?"

This was answered well by Dawson above Cordova 4.0.0 installs 3.6.4 - the command line program cordova

is at version 4.0.0, but the cordova library is at version 3.6.4, so this is expected (albeit confusing) behavior.

Q # 2 is @ Banshidhari's question Cordova 4.0.0 installs 3.6.4 which is essentially "How can I resolve getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND during npm install


This is a symptom of a local network problem where node

the HTTP client library request

cannot find the address

. This can usually be resolved by making sure your variable is http_proxy

set correctly:

npm config set http_proxy

However, if you still have Banshidhari issues, please open a new issue or open an issue on



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