Load all instances of the dbpedia ontology class

I want to load the whole d0: Loaction type object from dbpedia in N-Triple format. Request at http://dbpedia.org/sparql :

WHERE { ?x rdf:type d0:Location


But I will give a timeout. Is there an easier approach for loading such a database?


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1 answer

If you are downloading a lot of data from DBpedia, you should probably just download the data dumps and run your own endpoint locally. But if you want a list of a list of persons of a certain type, you can use a select query :

select ?location where {
  ?location a d0:Location
order by ?location  #-- need an order for offset to work
limit 1000          #-- how many to get each time
offset 3000         #-- where to start in the list


If you really want to return RDF data, you can simply change that to a construct request :

construct where {
  ?location a d0:Location
order by ?location
limit 1000
offset 3000




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