Can I get reverse debugging functionality for Visual Studio 2013 Professional?

I know GDB comes with reverse debugging, but is there a way to get this functionality in Visual Studio 2013 Pro?


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works which allows you to step back from a breakpoint or exception (Intellitrace), and the values ​​in the Locals and Autos panels (as well as the DataTips that appear when you hover over a statement) show the state at that (previous) point. Unfortunately Intellitrace is not available for 2013 Professional. In addition, it has limited support for F # and does not support C ++ or JavaScript.

Right now (since there are no third party extensions that I know of) your best option is to look at the call stack to check the original code that was executed before the breakpoint or exception. BTW you can "drag" the debug point up and down in the debug gutter of the original VS window, but that will only set the next execution point (any previous state information is not displayed).

Since GDB has this feature, you can try something like VisualGDB or WinGDB , but I'm not sure how well reverse debugging is supported in either of the two, or their stability once introduced in the most recent VS IDE.



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