How do you get inactive (canceled) subscriptions from Stripe
I want to confirm that the subscription has been canceled. The "Stripe API Documentation" only applies to returning an "active" subscription. How can I get a list of all subscriptions?
Subscription subscription
You can view the list of active subscribers of the client.
Getting a customer subscription
By default, you can see the 10 most recently active subscribers stored on the tenant directly at the tenant's site, but you can also get information about a specific active subscription for a tenant.
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Since API update 7/06/16:
You can now view canceled subscriptions by specifying status = canceled or status = all when listing the subscription. In addition, you can now retrieve a canceled subscription by its ID.
So, if you are using the Ruby API, for example, you can get canceled subscriptions, for example:
Stripe::Subscription.all(status: 'canceled')
And get a list of all signatures as you ask above, for example:
Stripe::Subscription.all(status: 'all')
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Sorry for the mess here! Stripe only returns active subscriptions; API does not return canceled. However, you will know that the subscription has been canceled by looking at this event in your web host's URL. And if a cancellation request is made by your site (as opposed to an automatic opt-out due to a payment failure), we would throw an exception if that request failed.
Hope it helps Larry
PS I'm working on support on Stripe.
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