How to write a byte array correctly in Assembly?

I need to write a byte array, but I don't get it, only written [matrix + 0]

and [matrix + 1]

(what I mean, EAX should be equal 0301070F

), what am I doing wrong?

This is my code:

%include ""
segment .data
    matrix times 4 db 0

segment .bss

segment .text

  global asm_main

    enter 0,0
    mov eax, 0

    mov dword [matrix + 3], 15
    mov dword [matrix], 3
    mov dword [matrix + 1], 1
    mov dword [matrix + 2], 7

    mov ah, [matrix]
    mov al, [matrix + 1]
    rol eax, 16
    mov ah, [matrix + 2]
    mov al, [matrix + 3]

    dump_regs 1

  mov eax, 0


and this is the result dump_regs 1


Register Dump # 1
EAX = 03010000 EBX = B774FFF4 ECX = BFF7C924 EDX = BFF7C8B4
ESI = 00000000 EDI = 00000000 EBP = BFF7C868 ESP = BFF7C848
EIP = 080484D8 FLAGS = 0282       SF   


The caller is a simple program C


int main() {
  int ret_status;
  ret_status = asm_main();
  return ret_status;


Edited: I found something wrong here, if I execute this code everything works:

    mov dword [matrix], 3
    mov dword [matrix + 1], 1
    mov dword [matrix + 2], 7
    mov dword [matrix + 3], 15


but if i execute this doesn't work:

    mov dword [matrix + 3], 15
    mov dword [matrix], 3
    mov dword [matrix + 1], 1
    mov dword [matrix + 2], 7




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1 answer

It's been awhile but it shouldn't

  mov dword [matrix], 3


rather it will be something like

  mov byte [matrix], 3


to avoid constant constant 3

as 32 bit value?



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