Executing terminal commands from java
I know there is a lot about this, but none of them worked for me. Here's what I'm trying to do:
Javac and run the file from my java code. It works for Windows, but I would like it to work on UNIX as well. Here's the code:
//For Windows
try {
"cmd /c start cmd.exe /K "
+ "\"cd " + path + "&& "
+ "javac " + name + ".java && "
+ "echo ^>^>" + name + ".java " + "outputs: &&"
+ "echo. &&"
+ "java " + name + " && "
+ "echo. &&"
+ "pause && "
+ "exit\"");
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Didn't work");
try {
//TODO make it work for UNIX
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Didn't work");
The problem is that on UNIX systems it behaves "unpredictably" For example:
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("open image.png");
Opens an image, but
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("javac Test.java");
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("echo 'hello'");
He does not do anything. No massage.
I am grateful for any input.
UPDATE ------------------------------------------- ------ -----------
It looks like, unlike Windows CMD, Terminal needs an InputStreamReader to display what happened in exec. I found this code on another thread and now at least I am getting some output from the exec terminal.
String line;
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( "echo HelloWorld2" );
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()) );
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
But everything still remains a motto because the fulfillment
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime (). exec ("javac Test.java");
works and generates Test.class file. But
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime (). exec ("javac Test.java && java test");
doing nothing. (Nothing happens. The terminal "executes" without massaging errors.) Entering this manually in the terminal assembly and it works as expected. What am I missing?
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I don't have a Linux operating system that I can play with, but I'm pretty sure the second command above is trying to compile Java files named "Test.java", "& &", "java", and "Test"; in other words, the Runtime.exec () method literally processes the arguments instead of applying the shell interpretation.
You can probably make it work with something like this:
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(
new String[] { "sh", "-c", "javac Test.java && java Test" });
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