Rails module names with abbreviations
It looks like inflections don't work for module names with more than one nesting level.
If your config/initializers/inflections.rb
have the following:
ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections do |inflect|
inflect.acronym 'VCloud'
Then when you create a directory under app/
, let's say app/services/vcloud/
you get two modules:
Vcloud #=> Vcloud
VCloud #=> VCloud
But if you create a directory with a higher nesting level, let's say app/services/vmware/vcloud/
you only get one module:
Vmware::Vcloud #=> Vmware::Vcloud
Vmware::VCloud #=> NameError: uninitialized constant Vmware::VCloud
This is mistake?
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I would be wrong with that. You can get around it with (inside initializers):
module ActiveSupport::Inflector
def underscore_with_acronym_fix(string)
words = string.split('::')
return words.map(&method(:underscore)).join('/') unless words.one?
alias_method_chain :underscore, :acronym_fix
I'll make a pull request to fix this, however it will take a little longer to confirm that it won't break anything. There are many cases here.
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I wonder if I can reproduce this "problem".
Tried this rails console.
> ActiveSupport::Inflector.camelize 'vcloud'
=> "Vcloud"
> ActiveSupport::Inflector.camelize 'v_cloud'
=> "VCloud"
There are test cases for all kinds of combinations below.
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