Why are my tests not running against MySQL?

I am working on a Symfony 2 project that runs tests with PHPUnit 4.6.2 against a test database. This test database is configured in configuration files. Here are the parts regarding the doctrine configuration:


        default_connection:       default
                driver:   "%database_driver%"
                host:     "%database_host%"
                port:     "%database_port%"
                dbname:   "%database_name%"
                user:     "%database_user%"
                password: "%database_password%"
                charset:  UTF8

        auto_generate_proxy_classes: "%kernel.debug%"
        auto_mapping: true



    - { resource: config.yml }



    - { resource: config_dev.yml }

        default_connection:     test_sqlite
                driver:   pdo_sqlite
                path:     %kernel.cache_dir%/test.db
                driver: pdo_mysql
                port: null
                name: myproject_test
                user: root
                password: mysupersafetestpassword
                charset: UTF8


As long as I save test_sqlite

as a value for doctrine.dbal.default_connection

in config_test.yml the tests are working fine. However, when I change this value to test_mysql

, I get the following error on each of my tests:

Unable to replace alias "doctrine.dbal.test_mysql_connection" with "database_connection".
 C: \ projects \ myproject \ vendor \ symfony \ symfony \ src \ Symfony \ Component \ DependencyInjection \ Compiler \ ReplaceAliasByActualDefinitionPass.php: 48
 C: \ projects \ myproject \ vendor \ symfony \ symfony \ src \ Symfony \ Component \ DependencyInjection \ Compiler \ ReplaceAliasByActualDefinitionPass.php: 63
 C: \ projects \ myproject \ vendor \ symfony \ symfony \ src \ Symfony \ Component \ DependencyInjection \ Compiler \ ReplaceAliasByActualDefinitionPass.php: 63
 C: \ projects \ myproject \ vendor \ symfony \ symfony \ src \ Symfony \ Component \ DependencyInjection \ Compiler \ ReplaceAliasByActualDefinitionPass.php: 63
 C: \ projects \ myproject \ vendor \ symfony \ symfony \ src \ Symfony \ Component \ DependencyInjection \ Compiler \ ReplaceAliasByActualDefinitionPass.php: 63
 C: \ projects \ myproject \ vendor \ symfony \ symfony \ src \ Symfony \ Component \ DependencyInjection \ Compiler \ ReplaceAliasByActualDefinitionPass.php: 63
 C: \ projects \ myproject \ vendor \ symfony \ symfony \ src \ Symfony \ Component \ DependencyInjection \ Compiler \ ReplaceAliasByActualDefinitionPass.php: 63
 C: \ projects \ myproject \ vendor \ symfony \ symfony \ src \ Symfony \ Component \ DependencyInjection \ Compiler \ ReplaceAliasByActualDefinitionPass.php: 63
 C: \ projects \ myproject \ vendor \ symfony \ symfony \ src \ Symfony \ Component \ DependencyInjection \ Compiler \ ReplaceAliasByActualDefinitionPass.php: 63
 C: \ projects \ myproject \ vendor \ symfony \ symfony \ src \ Symfony \ Component \ DependencyInjection \ Compiler \ ReplaceAliasByActualDefinitionPass.php: 63
 C: \ projects \ myproject \ vendor \ symfony \ symfony \ src \ Symfony \ Component \ DependencyInjection \ Compiler \ ReplaceAliasByActualDefinitionPass.php: 63
 C: \ projects \ myproject \ vendor \ symfony \ symfony \ src \ Symfony \ Component \ DependencyInjection \ Compiler \ ReplaceAliasByActualDefinitionPass.php: 63
 C: \ projects \ myproject \ vendor \ symfony \ symfony \ src \ Symfony \ Component \ DependencyInjection \ Compiler \ ReplaceAliasByActualDefinitionPass.php: 63
 C: \ projects \ myproject \ vendor \ symfony \ symfony \ src \ Symfony \ Component \ DependencyInjection \ Compiler \ ReplaceAliasByActualDefinitionPass.php: 63
 C: \ projects \ myproject \ vendor \ symfony \ symfony \ src \ Symfony \ Component \ DependencyInjection \ Compiler \ ReplaceAliasByActualDefinitionPass.php: 63
 C: \ projects \ myproject \ vendor \ symfony \ symfony \ src \ Symfony \ Component \ DependencyInjection \ Compiler \ Compiler.php: 117
 C: \ projects \ myproject \ vendor \ symfony \ symfony \ src \ Symfony \ Component \ DependencyInjection \ ContainerBuilder.php: 614
 C: \ projects \ myproject \ app \ bootstrap.php.cache: 2565
 C: \ projects \ myproject \ app \ bootstrap.php.cache: 2344
 C: \ projects \ myproject \ app \ AppKernel.php: 43
 C: \ projects \ myproject \ vendor \ symfony \ symfony \ src \ Symfony \ Bundle \ FrameworkBundle \ Test \ KernelTestCase.php: 141
 C: \ projects \ myproject \ vendor \ symfony \ symfony \ src \ Symfony \ Bundle \ FrameworkBundle \ Test \ WebTestCase.php: 33
 C: \ projects \ myproject \ src \ mycompany \ myprojectBundle \ Tests \ Controller \ SomeControllerTest.php: 23

What does this error mean and what do I need to change so that I can run tests successfully on a MySQL database?

I am guessing this is not a symptom of a missing MySQL driver, as I can for example. run symfony commands in command line, just fine with production db.


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1 answer

There is a typo in config_test.yml. The database name is specified as a parameter name

, but it should be dbname


When the parameter is supplied, name

it specifies the name of the connection in the YAML file. So the connection was named doctrine.dbal.myproject_test_connection

and could not be found when Symfony Dependency Injection searched doctrine.dbal.mysql_test_connection

as specified in the config file. This resulted in the error shown above.

So the solution is to change the config in config_test.yml to the following:

    driver: pdo_mysql
    port: null
    dbname: myproject_test
    user: root
    password: mysupersafetestpassword
    charset: UTF8




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