Difference between em-calc and rem-calc

I have used the em-calc

Zurb Foundation for sizing CSS in my projects. However, I recently noticed that developers are increasingly using rem-calc


I know what each function does, but I don't understand when I should use em-calc

or rem-calc


What is the difference between these two functions?


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1 answer

Actually your question is some kind of duplicate How is it different from em in CSS? (and Practical difference between rem and em units ) etc.


returns the em value of your input in pixels, while it rem-calc()

returns the return units. In practice, this means that when a rem-calc()

selector is used to set the font size, the font size depends on the font size of the attribute html

instead of its direct parent.

You can see the difference in the following example:


<section> section text
    <small>small text</small>

<section class="rem"> section .rem text
    <small>small text</small>



section {
font-size: em-calc(24);
small { font-size: em-calc(12); }

section.rem {
font-size: rem-calc(24);
small { font-size: rem-calc(12); }


The result above will look like the image below:

enter image description here

Now change the font size of the tags section


section {
font-size: em-calc(48);
small { font-size: em-calc(12); }

section.rem {
font-size: rem-calc(48);
small { font-size: rem-calc(12); }


Note that due to both tags section

are direct parents body

using rem-calc(48)

or rem-calc(48)

for the font size section

in the above example will not make any difference for this example.

The result will now look like this: enter image description here

As you can see, the font size for the small does not scale with its parent.

Personally, I think you should use rem-calc()

for the main elements of your page structure (header, footer, content, navigation, etc.) and em-calc()

for an element nested within the previous main elements.

So for example use here:

section {
font-size: rem-calc(20);
small { font-size: em-calc(10); }




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