Sphinx Thinking: Multiple Indices and Delta

Since I have a model with localized fields (using Globalize I would like to do a localized search. I have set two metrics on my model:

ThinkingSphinx::Index.define :document, name: "document_fr", :with => :active_record, :delta => true do

    indexes translations.name, :as => :options
    indexes translations.description
    where "(#{Document.translations_table_name}.locale='fr' OR #{Document.translations_table_name}.locale IS NULL)"
    has created_at, updated_at


ThinkingSphinx::Index.define :document, name: "document_nl", :with => :active_record, :delta => true do

    indexes translations.name, :as => :options
    indexes translations.description
    where "(#{Document.translations_table_name}.locale='nl' OR #{Document.translations_table_name}.locale IS NULL)"
    has created_at, updated_at



How can I search on a single index using delta?

I tried using options indices

, but that doesn't really work:

Document.search 'something', {
    indices: ["document_fr_core", "document_fr_delta"]


=> If I change the document instance and save it, delta indexing happens and the change is indexed in * _delta. But since I also go through * _core, the modified instance is still found, even if it is no longer searchable: --(

Edit (24/04/2015) An alternative solution could be to use facets to find translations. But I'm not sure how to use them. If you think this is the best solution, please let me know :-)


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