How do I access the child and parent controller in a directive?

We have two directives called parent

and child

. Both of them have specific controllers that have some functionality. For a directive, child

we can:

  • access parent controller

    with the require

    ( require: '^parent'

    ) property , thus getting the fourth parameter of our communication function with its value:function link(scope, elem, attrs, parentCtrl)

  • access child controller

    : without using require

    the fourth link parameter will be our childController.

So the question is, how can we link to both child and parent controllers in the child

link function ? Here's a plunker with an example:


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1 answer

You can pass an array to the require property to define your directive, which includes both your child directive and your parent directive. The fourth parameter for your link function will be an array:

app.directive('childDirective', function() {
    require: ['childDirective', '^parentDirective'],
    link: function(scope, element, attr, ctrls) {
        var childCtrl = ctrls[0];
        var parentCtrl = ctrls[1];




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