Creating a saved target group in facebook audience
I need to create a saved target group on facebook programmatically, for example PowerEditor does it here .
While checking the browser console while saving with the Power Editor, I found that this type of endpoint is being used:
" act_ @ AD _ACCOUNT_ID @ / audiences " but the method called is encrypted and there is no information on this kind of endpoint in the facebook API documentation.
Power Editor seems to be using a more advanced API or not all APIs are well documented.
Has anyone experienced something similar?
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Not all functionality available in the Power Editor is available in the public API, or vice versa -
If what you are asking for is not contained in the public API documentation, it is not part of the API that is publicly available -
It would be dangerous to assume that an undocumented endpoint will continue to work or that it works in a certain way based on observing another application (Power Editor) invoking it
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