Using Angularjs multiselect isteven

Trying to include Angularjs multiselect in my project, however, whenever I try to fetch data from my mysql database, only the last entry is shown.


<div isteven-multi-select
     button-label="icon name"
     item-label="icon name maker"



$http.get('/messages/shifts').success(function(data) {

    $scope.groupedShifts = data;

    angular.forEach( $scope.groupedShifts, function( groupShift ) {

        $scope.allPersonnelGrouped = [
           { name: '<strong>All Shifts</strong>', msGroup: true },
           { name: '<strong>' + groupShift.title + '</strong>', msGroup: true },
           { icon: '', name: groupShift.personnel, maker: '(' + + ')', ticked: false },
           { msGroup: false },
           { msGroup: false }




array of objects

      "id": 1,
      "title": "Shift 1",
      "email": "",
      "personnel": "Johnny Depp"
      "id": 2,
      "title": "Shift 2",
      "email": ""
      "personnel": "Napoleon Bonaparte"



In the example, the last object in the array of objects above only shows the last object and I need them all to be displayed.

Essentially, the output I get is

enter image description here


source to share

1 answer

You are doing a loop forEach

where you set the array value each time, clearing out the previous value. Instead, you want:

  • Initialize the array $scope.allPersonnelGrouped

    using the initial menu items ("All shifts", etc.).
  • Loop over the array $scope.groupedShifts

    and add items to $scope.allPersonnelGrouped

    to populate the shift group members
  • Close the menu groups after the loop

I spent a few minutes on the directive multiselect

, so this may not be exactly what you want.

// initialize the array
$scope.allPersonnelGrouped = [
  { name: '<strong>All Shifts</strong>', msGroup: true } 

angular.forEach( $scope.groupedShifts, function( groupShift ) {
  // populate the dynamic portion of the array
    { name: '<strong>' + groupShift.title + '</strong>', msGroup: true }

    { icon: '', name: groupShift.personnel, maker: '(' + + ')', ticked: false }
  $scope.allPersonnelGrouped.push({ msGroup: false });

// close the menu groups
  { msGroup: false }




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