Linq for objects - reusing predicates with navigation properties?

I'm trying to find a way to reuse predicates to filter objects in EF 6.1.3. I am facing the problem of filtering related properties using "Where".

eg. if i have this interfaceIValidFromTo

public interface IValidFromTo
   DateTime StartDate { get; set;}
   DateTime EndDate { get; set; }


and a function that returns a predicate for Where


public class Extensions 
  public static Expression<Func<T, bool>> Current<T>() 
  where T : IValidFromTo
    var currentDate = DateTime.Now; 
    return x => x.StartDate <= currentDate && x.EndDate >= currentDate;


See for background.

When applied directly to a DbSet, this method works.

var query = ctx.Items.Where(Extensions.Current<Item>()); // compiles


But how do you make it work for a more complex query about navigation properties?

eg. if i have DbSet<Person>

with a set Item


public class Person
  public virtual ICollection<Item> Items { get; set; }


and I want to project it into an object containing the person's name, and only the current one Items

, I end up with some pretty cluttered code:

var relationQuery = ctx.People.Select(x => new 
    { Name = x.Name,
      CurrentItems = x.Items.AsQueryable().Where(Extensions.Current<Item>())


I wonder if this code can be improved, for example? to write something like

CurrentItems = x.Items.Current() // quasi an extension method on `ICollection<Item>`?


(writing the extension method ICollection<IValidFromTo>

doesn't work because EFf doesn't recognize this method and doesn't throw an error)


This seems to be achieved with Join

(suppose each Person

can only have one valid element):

var isCurrent= x => <<some condition on x>>;
var validItems = ctx.Items.Where(isCurrent);
var peopleWithCurrentItems = from person in ctx.Persons
                                join item in validItems on person.Id equals item.Owner.Id
                                select new { Person = person, Item = item };


If there can be several valid Item

for Person

, then

var grouped = peopleWithValid.GroupBy(x => x.Person);


However, this version of the query excludes people without a match Items



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