Automatic reload of variable state in GHCi when reloading file

When I am developing some data analysis in pipelines in haskell, it is often helpful to preload the state of the variable into GHCi after loading.

What I am doing now is copying and pasting parts of the script one at a time into emacs just to inspect and inspect the output of some intermediate processing. I can't even jot down the copying code because line breaks aren't being passed (at least in Emacs Interactive-Haskell mode)

Is there a way to do this?

EDIT: Just loading / reloading the .hs file does not do the trick because afaik has no way to bind "<-" at the top level.


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2 answers

I suggest you take a look at foreign-store . It allows you to refer to variables by numbers, which persist across reboots. Here's an example:

λ: :set -XScopedTypeVariables 
λ: import Foreign.Store
λ: st <- newStore "example"
Loading package foreign-store-0.2 ... linking ... done.
λ: readStore st
λ: st
Store 0
λ: :r
Ok, modules loaded: none.
λ: st
    Not in scope: ‘st’
    Perhaps you meant ‘fst’ (imported from Prelude)
λ: Just (st :: Store String) <- lookupStore 0
λ: readStore st


Alternatively, you can also put all your definitions in one hs file and reload them. You can use unsafePerformIO to get around the limitation that you cannot use <-

at the top level. I think this is ok in this case, since you only use it for interactive:

module Example where

import System.IO.Unsafe

example :: String 
example = "example"

file :: String
file = unsafePerformIO $ readFile "/tmp/example.hs"




There are two main ways to do this:

  • Use the :l [filename]

    GHCi command to reload the file without exiting GHCi.
  • Make a ~/.ghci

    note of the variables in your file , which will be loaded when you open GHCi.

If you don't know what to put in ~/.ghci

, here's what I have in mine:

:set prompt "\955 "
:set prompt2 "| "

:def hoogle \x -> return $ ":!hoogle --info \"" ++ x ++ "\""

let f `on` x = \a b -> (f a) `x` (f b)
let break (f,g) = \a -> (f a, f g)




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