Error using Too many input arguments

I was looking for some "Too many input arguments". questions, but I couldn't find an answer ...

I am new to matlab, so I have the following problem.

I want to integrate using the primaryvalue method, but I am getting the following message

 syms w
 int(f2, w, 0, inf, 'PrincipalValue', true)


and I get:

Error using ==>
Too many input arguments.


What can I do to overcome this problem?


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1 answer

Your Matlab version, 7.12.0, also known as R2011a, has no functionality 'PrincipalValue'

. Documentation for R2011a can be found here .

The value returned by my copy of Matlab for your integral is

(pi*243045032034301i)/70368744177664000 + pi^2/4000


However, using the command integrate(log(x) - log(1000))/(x^2 - 1000000)) from 0 to infinity

with Wolfram Alpha only yields the real component pi^2/4000

without the imaginary part. In addition, Wolfram Alpha does not compute the principal value, as it appears to be able to estimate the indefinite integral in w = 1000

, as shown here . This would mean that there is no need to compute the base value, since there is a normal integral, according to Wolfram Alpha. Matlab seems to disagree as he computes another antiderivative for f2


If you want to try and calculate the underlying values ​​for other functions using your version of Matlab, the following script can work like a template (using the definition of the value of the Cauchy principle found here ):

syms w;
syms e;
syms b;
format long; % For long decimal display
fake_inf = 5e60; % Really high number, gives NaN for true inf
% Cauchy Principal Value about w = 1000: compute as limit of a sum
integral1 = int(f2, w, 0, 1000-e);
integral2 = int(f2, w, 1000+e, fake_inf);

% Built-in Principal Value integral result:
% int(f2, w, 0, inf, 'PrincipalValue', true);
0.002467401100272 + 0.010850676618623i

CPV = limit(integral1+integral2, e, 0, 'right');


which outputs

ans =

  0.002467401100272 + 0.010850676618623i

ans =

  0.002467401100272 - 0.417381909829793i


where 0.002467...

is the decimal expansion pi^2/4000

. The advanced results calculated by Matlab and Wolfram Alpha agree in their real-world arguments, but differ in their imaginary arguments (Wolfram Alpha does not).

Note that I am using the variable ' fake_inf

: Matlab cannot compute the integral if true inf




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