Using the Google Cardboard SDK Unity, the display turns black when the object potentially creating each frame is in view


The display turns black when the object potentially creating each frame is in the field of view

How to reproduce

  • Importing SDK Cardboard into a Project
  • Assign the script to any suitable object with the following code.

public GameObject prefab;
void GenerateObject(){
void Update(){
if ( once ){


  • Attach any relevant presets to the assembly above in the Unity inspector.
  • Run the app on your Android device using "Build and Run".
  • The display turns black when the object potentially creating each frame is in the field of view. The Settings button will also disappear. When the instance object is hidden from view, the view becomes normal. The settings button will appear.


Unity Version:

Cardboard SDK version: v0.4.9

Device: Nexus5, nVidia SHIELD Tablet 2


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2 answers

There is a known bug between Unity and CardboardSDK. Try configuring your development build in Build Settings in Unity. If that's fixed, you have your culprit.

With this error, when I needed a build that can be uploaded to the Play Store, it sometimes helped to turn off most of the stage lighting.

We are all waiting patiently for a fix. Google and Unity are working on this together, but they say it is difficult to understand.

Check out the SDK release notes for known issues .

Known Issues

Issues with Unity 5 Release: With Unity build 5.0.0f4, the following steps must be taken to fix or improve any rendering issues such as full color screen, flickering textures, or non-stereophonic views: Enable the Build Build option in the Build dialog. This seems to fix various rendering bugs like flickering textures.

The root cause of rendering failures is analyzed using Unity.

Note. If you are using any image effects, make sure the StereoController Direct Render property is set to false. Check if that fixes the problem first.



I had a black screen glitch and it turned out it was because I had set the Stereo Screen Scale to 2 on the cardboard script. I set it to 1 and the screen came back.



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