Code Cloud Code callback not working

I am creating a Friends Relationship app using Parse Cloud Code.

When Alice sends Bob a friend request, this is a type 71 notification. When Bob answers, he sends a type 8 notification.

On the server, when a type 8 notification is sent, some friendship is done first. These are: removing each other's "potential friend list" from both users and adding to the "buddy list" instead.

Subsequently, type 71 notification should be changed to type 1 notification.

For some reason, I struggled for 24 hours to get it to work. I just cannot execute these two functions one after the other: the second is never executed. Here is my code

Parse.Cloud.afterSave("Notification", function(request, response) {

var downQuery = new Parse.Query("Notification");

var namnamA = request.object.get('nameA');
var namnamB = request.object.get('nameB');
var tytype = request.object.get('type');
var alice = Parse.User.current();
if (tytype === 8){

var bobQuery = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);
bobQuery.equalTo("username", namnamB);
bobQuery.first().then(function(bob) {
    var alicesRelation = alice.relation("friendsList");
    var alicesPotRelation = alice.relation("potFriendsList");
    var bobsRelation = bob.relation("friendsList");
    var bobsPotRelation = bob.relation("potFriendsList");

    return Parse.Object.saveAll([alice, bob]);

}).then(function() {

    downQuery.equalTo('nameA', namnamB);
    downQuery.equalTo('nameB', namnamA);
    downQuery.equalTo('type', 71);
    return downQuery.find();

}).then(function(notizz) {

    notizz.set('type', 1);
    return Parse.Object.saveAll([notizz]);

}).then(function() {
    console.log("success " + arguments);

}), function(error) {
    console.log("error " + error.message);



Any help will greatly improve the life expectancy of my computer. Thank.


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1 answer

aftersave has no answer, only a request.

Hence, you don't need (and shouldn't) use the answer.

Next when you call return it exits the function



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