Simulink simulation acting in general different from the same simulation using rk4

I am having difficulty simulating an object that is described by the following spatial space equations in simulink:

The right side of the spatial equation of state is described below.

function dxdt = RHS( t, x, F)
% parameters
b = 1.22;          % cart friction coeffitient 
c = 0.0027;           %pendulum friction coeffitient
g = 9.81;           % gravity
M = 0.548+0.022*2; % cart weight
m = 0.031*2; %pendulum masses
I = 0.046;%0.02*0.025/12+0.02*0.12^2+0.011*0.42^2; % moment of inertia
l = 0.1313;
% x(1) = theta
% x(2) = theta_dot
% x(3) = x
% x(4) = x_dot

dxdt = [x(2);
    (F - b*x(4) + l*m*x(2)^2*sin(x(1)) + (l*m*cos(x(1))*(c*x(2)*(M + m) + g*l*sin(x(1))*(M + m) + F*l*m*cos(x(1)) + l^2*m^2*x(2)^2*cos(x(1))*sin(x(1)) - b*l*m*x(4)*cos(x(1))))/(I*(M + m) + l^2*m^2*sin(x(1))^2 + M*l^2*m))/(M + m)];


Below is the corresponding rk4 function with a simple visualization.

function [wi, ti] = rk4 ( RHS, t0, x0, tf, N )

%RK4 approximate the solution of the initial value problem
% x'(t) = RHS( t, x ), x(t0) = x0
% using the classical fourth-order Runge-Kutta method - this 
% routine will work for a system of first-order equations as 
% well as for a single equation
% calling sequences:
% [wi, ti] = rk4 ( RHS, t0, x0, tf, N )
% rk4 ( RHS, t0, x0, tf, N )
% inputs:
% RHS string containing name of m-file defining the 
% right-hand side of the differential equation; the
% m-file must take two inputs - first, the value of
% the independent variable; second, the value of the
% dependent variable
% t0 initial value of the independent variable
% x0 initial value of the dependent variable(s)
% if solving a system of equations, this should be a 
% row vector containing all initial values
% tf final value of the independent variable
% N number of uniformly sized time steps to be taken to
% advance the solution from t = t0 to t = tf
% output:
% wi vector / matrix containing values of the approximate 
% solution to the differential equation
% ti vector containing the values of the independent 
% variable at which an approximate solution has been
% obtained

% x(1) = theta
% x(2) = theta_dot
% x(3) = x
% x(4) = x_dot
t0 = 0; tf = 5; x0 = [pi/2; 0; 0; 0]; N = 400;
neqn = length ( x0 );
ti = linspace ( t0, tf, N+1 );
wi = [ zeros( neqn, N+1 ) ];
wi(1:neqn, 1) = x0';

h = ( tf - t0 ) / N;
% force
u = 0.0;

%init visualisation
h_cart = plot(NaN, NaN, 'Marker', 'square', 'color', 'red', 'LineWidth', 6);
hold on
h_pend = plot(NaN, NaN, 'bo', 'LineWidth', 3);
axis([-5 5 -5 5]);
axis manual;
xlim([-5 5]);
ylim([-5 5]);

for i = 1:N
    k1 = h * feval ( 'RHS', t0, x0, u );
    k2 = h * feval ( 'RHS', t0 + (h/2), x0 + (k1/2), u);
    k3 = h * feval ( 'RHS', t0 + h/2, x0 + k2/2, u);
    k4 = h * feval ( 'RHS', t0 + h, x0 + k3, u);
    x0 = x0 + ( k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4 ) / 6;
    t0 = t0 + h;
    % model output
    wi(1:neqn,i+1) = x0';

    % model visualisation
    %plotting cart
    l = 2;
    set(h_cart, 'XData', x0(3), 'YData', 0, 'LineWidth', 5);
    %plotting pendulum
    %hold on;
   set(h_pend, 'XData', sin(x0(1))*l+x0(3), 'YData', -cos(x0(1))*l, 'LineWidth', 2);
   %hold off;
    % regulator

plot(ti, wi);
legend('theta', 'theta`', 'x', 'x`');


This gives realistic results for a cart pendulum. correct results from rk4

Now to the problem. I wanted to recreate the same equations in simulink. I thought it would be as easy as creating the following simulink model. simulink model where I fill fcn blocks with the second and fourth equations from the RHS file. Like this.


(u(5) - b*u(4) + l*m*u(2)^2*sin(u(1)) + (l*m*cos(u(1))*(c*u(2)*(M + m) + g*l*sin(u(1))*(M + m) + u(5)*l*m*cos(u(1)) + l^2*m^2*u(2)^2*cos(u(1))*sin(u(1)) - b*l*m*u(4)*cos(u(1))))/(I*(M + m) + l^2*m^2*sin(u(1))^2 + M*l^2*m))/(M + m)

The problem is it doesn't give correct results from above but below incorrect result from simulink

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

Edit: Following @ am304's comment, I decided to add the following information. I changed the setting for the simulink solution to use a fixed step rk4 solver to get the same results. The second integrator 3 from the above model was initialized with pi / 2.

Edit2: If anyone wants to test the simulink model for themselves, click the link to download the file.

Edit3: As you can read in the answer below, the problem was trivial. You can download the correct model here


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1 answer

I looked at your Simulink model and it looks like you might have confused the two functions you were using. You used the theta_dd function where you wanted to put x_dd and vice versa.

Simulink Model

In your model, you also force the value x_d

to a constant value of 0. I am assuming that you actually wanted to set the initial condition to 0, which you can see done with the Integrator block. x_d

(as input to f

) should be your state vector, which is also the output of your integrators. It is simply a consequence of the fact that you define x_d, the integral of x_dd. This is how RK4 works; you use the initial state vector first and then use the predicted state vector to control the next RK4 hop.

The resulting out-of-scope result (I dumped your entire state vector here) is as follows and looks like what you expect: Simulink Output

I don't think I should link externally to the simulink file, so if you need a copy of the file, you can open the chat and ask for it. If not, the image above should be enough to help you reproduce the same results.



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