Cookies in xamarin iOS web browser

I want to set cookies on a web view. Is there any help in this regard?

NSUrl urlq = new NSUrl (url);
webview = new UIWebView ();

webview.LoadRequest(new NSUrlRequest(urlq));
webview.Frame = new RectangleF (0,0, webViewForLoad.Frame.Width, webViewForLoad.Frame.Height);
webview.AllowsInlineMediaPlayback = true;
//webview.LoadRequest (new NSUrl (url, false));
webview.ScalesPageToFit = true;
webViewForLoad.AddSubview (webview);



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1 answer

You need to set a cookie on the shared storage. First, set a shared storage policy to always accept your own cookies. This can be put in your ApplicationDelegate (say ApplicationDidBecomeActive).

NSHttpCookieStorage.SharedStorage.AcceptPolicy = NSHttpCookieAcceptPolicy.Always;


Create your cookie and set it on shared storage.

var cookieDict = new NSMutableDictionary ();
cookieDict.Add (NSHttpCookie.KeyOriginURL, new NSString(""));
cookieDict.Add (NSHttpCookie.KeyName, new NSString("Username"));
cookieDict.Add (NSHttpCookie.KeyValue, new NSString("Batman"));
cookieDict.Add (NSHttpCookie.KeyPath, new NSString("/"));

var myCookie = new NSHttpCookie(cookieDict);



Any future requests will contain the cookie that you set in the shared store. So you can remove it in the future.



Documentation on NSHTTPCookie and NSHttpCookieStorage:





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