Ensure route security in Laravel 5 - check Auth first

For some reason I had a mind block and can't figure out which is probably a very simple fix.

I have a Laravel 5 application and I am using the Zizaco Entrust package for access control.

I want to protect the route, so I use route Protection in routes.php like this:

Entrust::routeNeedsRole('passtypes', array('admin'), null, false);


Works as expected except when the user session has expired or they are not logged in and try to access the route.

In this case, I want to first authenticate with Laravel and redirect to the login page; however Entrust first redirects a 403 error; which confuses the user who has the ability to view this page, but they reportedly don't have access, not that they are not logged in / the session has expired.

I am running authentication in the controller and not on the route:

public function __construct()


So you just need to know how to get the same functionality, but by authenticating before requiring route resolution.



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2 answers

I think it Entrust::routeNeedsRole

fires before the controller. Can you move Entrust

to middleware? Then you can check the middleware if the user has signed up and then check if the role is required.



It has been for a while, but I had a similar problem. The only difference is, my entire application must be protected. I ended up modifying the Authenticate Middleware descriptor method:

public function handle($request, Closure $next)
    if ($this->auth->guest()) {
        if ($request->ajax()) {
            return response('Unauthorized.', 401);
        } else {

            * This is to protect the entire app, except login form, 
            * to avoid loop
            if($request->path() != 'auth/login')
                return redirect()->guest('auth/login');

    return $next($request);


And inside Kernel.php moved Authenticate from $ routeMiddleware to $ middleware

Then you can secure your routes with Entrust.



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