Percentage between two dates compared to today

I am creating a UI that will contain breakpoints and I will use a progress bar to show this.

I am trying to find the percentage we are doing from the date this milestone is completed versus today's date.

For example, if I have a milestone called "Live to Site" due on December 1st, 2015, and I set the milestone on January 1st, I want to determine the percentage we are from the start date to the end date.


var start = new Date(2015,0,1), // Jan 1, 2015 - The date we put this milestone in
    end = new Date(2015,7,24), // June 24, 2015 - The date the milestone is due
    today = new Date(), // April 23, 2015
    p = Math.round(100-((end - start) * 100 ) / today) + '%';

// Update the progress bar
$('.bar').css( "width", p ).after().append(p);


This was my attempt, but either my math is wrong or I am thinking about it the wrong way. Returned number 99%

. I feel that the number should be lower as we have 1.5 months left.

My end result is to show a progress bar that shows how close we are to the end date given the start date, end date and today.


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3 answers

Try it:

var start = new Date(2015, 0, 1), // Jan 1, 2015
    end = new Date(2015, 7, 24), // August 24, 2015
    today = new Date(), // April 23, 2015
    p = Math.round(((today - start) / (end - start)) * 100) + '%';
// Update the progress bar
$('.bar').css("width", p).after().append(p);





Try this, convert end and start date to timestamp values.

// Convert to unix values timestamp values
var startDate = start.getTime();
var endDate = end.getTime();
var todayDate = today.getTime();

// Get the total possible timestamp value
var total = endDate - startDate;

// Get the current value
var current = todayDate - startDate;

// Get the percentage
var percentage = (current / total) * 100;






To get the percentage of elapsed days between a date and a date, you need to calculate the time between start and end, and then calculate the time between start and today. Then divide the second number by the first:

var start = new Date(2015,0,1),
    end = new Date(2015,7,24), 
    today = new Date();

var timeBetweenStartAndEnd = (end - start); 
var timeBetweenStartAndToday = (today - start);

var p = Math.round(timeBetweenStartAndToday / timeBetweenStartAndEnd * 100); 

console.log("Percentage of days elapsed thus far: " + p);




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