Identity column is not being modified by the Entity framework

The corresponding object looks like this:

public class FieldBookingDateRange : ITimeStamps, ICreatedBy, ISoftDeletable
    [Key, DatabaseGenerated( DatabaseGeneratedOption.None )]
    public int FieldBookingDateRangeID { get; set; }

    public virtual FieldBooking FieldBooking { get; set; }

    public virtual DateRange DateRange { get; set; }



I have a database column that is currently set to Identity: true.

If I run the following auto-generated migration on it (this should be setting the column to false for identification):

public partial class RemovedDBGen_FieldBookingDateRange : DbMigration
    public override void Up()
        DropIndex("dbo.FieldBookingDateRanges", new[] { "FieldBookingDateRangeID" });
        AlterColumn("dbo.FieldBookingDateRanges", "FieldBookingDateRangeID", c => c.Int(nullable: false, identity: false));
        AddPrimaryKey("dbo.FieldBookingDateRanges", "FieldBookingDateRangeID");
        CreateIndex("dbo.FieldBookingDateRanges", "FieldBookingDateRangeID");

    public override void Down()
        DropIndex("dbo.FieldBookingDateRanges", new[] { "FieldBookingDateRangeID" });
        AlterColumn("dbo.FieldBookingDateRanges", "FieldBookingDateRangeID", c => c.Int(nullable: false, identity: true));
        AddPrimaryKey("dbo.FieldBookingDateRanges", "FieldBookingDateRangeID");
        CreateIndex("dbo.FieldBookingDateRanges", "FieldBookingDateRangeID");


It doesn't do anything ... But it doesn't fail.

Any ideas why this isn't working?

SQL output -Verbose

    SELECT name FROM sys.indexes 
        name = N'IX_FieldBookingDateRangeID' AND 
        object_id = object_id(N'[dbo].[FieldBookingDateRanges]', N'U')
DROP INDEX [IX_FieldBookingDateRangeID] ON [dbo].[FieldBookingDateRanges]
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FieldBookingDateRanges] DROP CONSTRAINT [PK_dbo.FieldBookingDateRanges]
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FieldBookingDateRanges] ALTER COLUMN [FieldBookingDateRangeID] [int] NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[FieldBookingDateRanges] ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_dbo.FieldBookingDateRanges] PRIMARY KEY ([FieldBookingDateRangeID])
CREATE INDEX [IX_FieldBookingDateRangeID] ON [dbo].[FieldBookingDateRanges]([FieldBookingDateRangeID])



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1 answer

I think you cannot remove the identity property from the column after setting it. However, you can modify the auto-generated migration to implement a workaround.

You can find some examples here:



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