AVAssetResourceLoader stops loading data

I am implementing my own class AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate

for previewing and caching my videos.


 AVURLAsset *asset ;
        assetLoader = [[AssetLoaderDelegate alloc] init];
        assetLoader.fileUrl = self.videoURL;
        asset = [AVURLAsset URLAssetWithURL:[self videoURL:self.videoURL WithCustomScheme:@"streaming"] options:nil];
        [asset.resourceLoader setDelegate:assetLoader queue:dispatch_get_main_queue()];


Where AssetLoaderDelegate is a custom class that conforms to the protocol AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate


Works as expected. However, the problem I am running into is that sometimes I need to switch from the video player to a different kind and therefore stop the bootloader from loading data, but I have not found one to stop it.
[self.player replaceCurrentItemWithPlayerItem:nil];

cant obviously handle this i guess.

How do I stop AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate

downloading data?


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