Is this dronekit-python api for Mavproxy only?

This is the dronekit-python api site.

I have checked the examples as well as the online git repository, it seems all examples are built on top of mavproxy. and the API itself has no mavlink communication capability.

I wonder if there are other use cases for droneapi. and if i don't want to use mavproxy does that mean i have to write my own mavlink layer?


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3 answers

Yes, using the current release version (1.x), everything is built on MAVProxy.

I understand that in the future, you don't need to run applications from the MAVProxy console (I don't know if the actual dependency on MAVProxy is removed - I'm not sure!)



since v2 dronekit-python we are free from MAVProxy, follow migration guides



dronekit-python doesn't need to be run in mavproxy. You can use the custom mavlink link layer to implement the API if you like.

(I find the implementation as a mavproxy module a bit suboptimal for users, as it can be a little confusing and a little weirder to write code that uses the API, but it has advantages to allow other mavproxy (maps, joystick controls, etc.) .) along with basic mavproxy functions like forwarding, and can also be a faster path for development: it might be easier to hook up dronekit-python to mavproxy than to write a completely new, untested communication layer, does 50% of what mavproxy does. I'm guilty of doing the same to get something to work quickly.)



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