Inconsistent CDate () behavior

Regional settings in Windows: MM/DD/YYYY

Now take a look at these two lines and change MONTH:

Sub DateBug()
    Debug.Print Format(CDate("11/4/1999"), "MMMM D, YYYY")
    Debug.Print Format(CDate("30/4/1999"), "MMMM D, YYYY")
End Sub



November 4, 1999
April 30, 1999


Great, huh? What's happening?

On the second line, I want the error , not "guess".

This is mistake? Any idea how to get around this?

The same in Excel 2007, 2010, 2013


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2 answers

This is not a mistake, its "function"

enter image description here

CDate () will interpret the string according to fixed rules. If the date is valid as m / d / y, it will be returned. If the date is invalid as m / d / y, but valid as d / m / y, then it will be returned. If the date is invalid as m / d / y or d / m / y then an error will be returned.

Sub dural()
    Dim st As String
    st = CStr(CDate("12/4/2012")) & vbCrLf & CStr(CDate("13/4/2012"))
    MsgBox st
End Sub




Not a mistake. VB converts strings to modern literals using the default locale, if possible. What he did the first day. But on the second day it would give an invalid date, so he tried DD / MM / YYYY and it worked. Solution, put dictionary characters instead of strings. Put # signs around both date literatures (ex: "# 4/30/1999 #") to ignore locale and force the MM / DD / YYYY format. '# 30/4/1999 #' would give you the error you want. This will make your code independent of your computer's regional settings, meaning it will work independently. Or use DateTime (1999, 4, 30, 0, 0, 0). See Here ... Date Data Type (Visual Basic)

In Excel, you have to use a literal without single quotes:

Sub Macro1()
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = CDate(#4/30/1999#)
End Sub




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