Cast field for bit 0 if null and bit 1 if not

I am using this method to check if a row is someone else's entered into another table.

    /* CAST THIS PART TO BIT return 1 if field is found, 0 if not */
    select top 1 parents.personID
    from parents
    where parents.personID=persons.personID

  ) as inUse
from persons


Can it be done as I commented?


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2 answers

You can use an expression exists

and case


select personID
     , name
     , case when exists ( select *
                          from parents
                          where parents.personID=persons.personID) then 1 else 0 end as inUse
from persons


Or just do left join


select distinct pe.personID
     , case when pa.personID is null then 0 else 1 end as inUse
from persons pe
left join parents pa on pa.personID = pe.personID




I would use LEFT OUTER JOIN and check the result.

It will look something like this:

  case when parents.personID is null then 0 else 1 end as 'HasAParent'
from persons
left outer join parents
on parents.personID=persons.personID


It also allows you to use other fields of the Parents table of your choice (for example, show the name of the parent if the parent language exists).



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