Change response to Laravel validation post

in general the validation message is similar to my json response

"error_details": {
    "email": [
        "The email field is required."
    "password": [
        "The password field is required."


but i want to do

"error_details": {
    "password": "The password field is required.",
"email": "The email field is required."


php validation laravel laravel-4 laravel-validation

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3 answers

You can use the array_flatten()




This will return a one-dimensional array of all validation errors.

More on Laravel Helpers:


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"error_details": {
"password.required": "The password field is required.",


"email.required": "An email field is required." } It works on laravel 4


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I stumbled upon this same problem. This is how I did it

Created a class CustomMessageBag

that extends Illuminate\Support\MessageBag

and overrides the methodadd

namespace App\Extend;

use Config;
use Illuminate\Support\MessageBag as BaseMessageBag;

 * Extending Validation Class

class CustomMessageBag extends BaseMessageBag{

     * Add a message to the bag.
     * @param  string  $key
     * @param  string  $message
     * @return $this
    public function add($key, $message)
        if ($this->isUnique($key, $message)) {
            //remove additional array
            $this->messages[$key] = $message;

        return $this;



Then created customValidator

that uses the classCustomMessageBag

namespace App\Extend;

use Input;
use Lang;
use Config;
use App\Extend\CustomMessageBag as MessageBag;

 * Extending Validation Class

class CustomValidator extends \Illuminate\Validation\Validator {

     * Determine if the data passes the validation rules.
     * @return bool
    public function passes()
        $this->messages = new MessageBag;

        // We'll spin through each rule, validating the attributes attached to that
        // rule. Any error messages will be added to the containers with each of
        // the other error messages, returning true if we don't have messages.
        foreach ($this->rules as $attribute => $rules) {
            foreach ($rules as $rule) {
                $this->validate($attribute, $rule);

        // Here we will spin through all of the "after" hooks on this validator and
        // fire them off. This gives the callbacks a chance to perform all kinds
        // of other validation that needs to get wrapped up in this operation.
        foreach ($this->after as $after) {

        return count($this->messages->all()) === 0;


Finally, register the class customValidator

in the methodAppServiceProvider's



namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use App\Extend\CustomValidator;
use Event;
use Mail;
use Config;
use Lang;
use Log;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {

     * Bootstrap any application services.
     * @return void
    public function boot() {
        //Register custom validator class
        $this->app->validator->resolver(function($translator, $data, $rules, $messages) {
            return new CustomValidator($translator, $data, $rules, $messages);



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