Can @RefreshScope be impatient

New @RefreshScope

to Spring Cloud is great. But the side effect is that the beans become lazy loaded. Most of the time this is not a problem, but eagerly loaded beans allow DI, property value setting, etc. to be sure at startup time and not later at runtime. Is it possible to use @RefreshScope

and force loaded beans to load?


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1 answer

I solved this "problem" by implementing a listener that catches the Refresh event. Then I iterate over each component in the context and call the getClass () method. (Any other method call on the component will cause it to be created - getClass () is convenient since it exists for all components.)

public class RefreshListener {

    private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RefreshListener.class);

    ApplicationContext applicationContext;

    public void onRefreshScopeRefreshed(final RefreshScopeRefreshedEvent event) {"Received Refresh event. Refreshing all beans...");
        for (String beanName : applicationContext.getBeanDefinitionNames()) {
  "Refreshing bean " + beanName);


Hope it helps.



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