Disable the default setting to zoom in on Chrome in Windows 8.1

There are many questions on how to turn off pinch to zoom and there are many good answers. What I learned from questions like this and what I use in my application is:

<meta name="viewport" 
      content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no">

html, body {
  -ms-content-zooming: none;
  touch-action: none;   


This works well for IE11 and Chrome in most cases. But there is at least one special case where Chrome on MS Surface with Windows 8.1 starts to grow: Pinch on div

, which has overflow: auto

. Is this a known issue? Is there any solution to this problem (I cannot find)?

The Javascript solution is not a problem as I already handle touch events to implement various touch gestures (like custom zoom action). I could call event.preventDefault()

in the touch event handlers, but this also disables the default scroll gestures.


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