E-Check in USAePay SOAP API

I need to make a transaction via USAePay SOAP API.

try {
              'AccountHolder' => 'Tester Jones',
              'Details' => array(
              'Description' => 'Example Transaction',
              'Amount' => '4.99',
              'Invoice' => '44539'),
              'CheckData' => array(
                            'CheckNumber' => '1234',
                            'Routing' => '123456789',
                            'Account' => '11111111',
                            'AccountType' => 'Savings',
                            'DriversLicense' => '34521343',
                            'DriversLicenseState' => 'CA',
                            'RecordType' => 'PPD'));
return $res=$this->CLIENT->runCheckSale($this->TOKEN, $Request);
}catch (SoapFault $e){
echo $this->CLIENT->__getLastRequest();
echo $this->CLIENT->__getLastResponse();
die("runCheckSale failed :" .$e->getMessage());


This code is for a checkout transaction, but it doesn't work. I created $client

and $token

, they work great in addCustomer

other functions as well.


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