Delete data from a table of a specific month

In my table, I have a column that stores the date. I am passing the month number as an argument to a stored procedure.

I would like to delete all records of this month from the table.

Is it possible to...??


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5 answers

I think this is your answer:

delete from yourtable where month(YourDatetimeColumn) = 5 -- for example 'may'



delete from yourtable where datepart(mm,YourDatetimeColumn) = 5 -- for example 'may'


Note: replace 5

with your input parameter. This will not consider part of year

your date, so if it could be 2014 or May 2015, all will be deleted.



I'm not familiar with the SQL server versions, but you tagged as 2005.

If there are problems with month()

, you can also use;

delete from your_table where datepart(month, table_datefield) = @procedure_argument_month


But as in the other answer, this will remove all fields that are month as you specified as you described, regardless of the year.



delete from TABLE_NAME
where DATEPART(mm,ColumnName) = @MONTH_PARAMETER




This will work for you:

delete from [tablename] 
where DATEPART(month,[datecolumn]) = @inputDigit




Here, in the given query, go through the month in digit, in which month you want to delete the data.

Delete from tbl_xyz where DATEPART(mm, clm_CreatedTime) = @Month




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