Jquery check remote rule and depends on input value change

I'm using the jQuery validation plugin and came up with the script I need to create a remote validation rule.

Let's say I had a members form that users can edit their profile containing their email address and other information that is populated from a database. Obviously I would test using a remote method to check that the emails do not already exist when they are registered. The problem is that the user doesn't want to update their email address, but when the form is saved, the validation will make a fuss, saying that the email already exists.

Is it possible to use the remote method ONLY if the email has been changed on the form. If the letter remains intact, there is no need to check.

Here's an example of a remote method that works for something else:

rules: {
    something: {
        required: true,
        remote: {
            param: {
                url: '/path/to/file.php',
                type: 'post',
                data: {
                    'test': $('#something').val()
            depends: function() {
                return $('body').hasClass('someClass');


I would have thought I could put some check on the dependent part of the rule that checks the change, but I don't know how


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2 answers

  • Add a hidden field to your form and set it value

    to the original email address from the database on page load. Also give it id

    to him for later reference. (Note that the jQuery Validate plugin ignores all hidden fields by default. It will not be validated, so it doesn't need an attribute name


    <input type="hidden" value="foo@bar.com" id="originalemail" />

    Entering the text of your email address ...

    <input type="text" value="foo@bar.com" name="emailaddress" />

  • Compare the value

    hidden field with the value

    field email

    in depends

    your rule option remote


    rules: {
        emailaddress: {  // <- assumes 'name' of field is 'emailaddress'
            required: true,
            email: true,  // <- make sure data is a valid email address
            remote: {
                param: {
                    url: '/path/to/file.php',
                    type: 'post',
                    //data: // < do not need.  Value of 'emailaddress' is sent by default.
                depends: function(element) {
                    // compare email address in form to hidden field
                    return ($(element).val() !== $('#originalemail').val());
            } // close remote
        } // close emailaddress
    } // close rules

    Note that the argument element

    passed to the function depends

    represents a field emailaddress




Save the comparison email after initializing the validation in a global var and compare it depends

with the current value.



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