Parsing twitter api JSON in Swift

I am using Twitter-Kit / Fabric to get response from twitter api. It returns JSON in the following format -

My request is -""&geocode=lat,long,radius&count=15

I need to extract text and coordinates from JSON in order to draw these tweets on a map.

What am I doing wrong with the following code -?

Twitter.sharedInstance().APIClient.sendTwitterRequest(request) {
                    (response, data, connectionError) -> Void in
        if (connectionError == nil) {
            var jsonError : NSError?
            let parsedResult  =
                            options: nil,
                            error: &jsonError) as NSDictionary
            if let tweets = parsedResult["statuses"] as? NSDictionary {
               for tweetsDict in tweets {
                   let title = tweetsDict["text"] as NSString
                   println("text: \(title)")
                   let coordinates = tweetsDict["coordinates"]
                   println("coordinates: \(coordinates)\n")
            }else {
                   println("Error: \(connectionError)")



My code works up to println (parsedResult) as I am getting valid response from twitter api. However, I am having trouble extracting the tweet text from the JSON response.


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2 answers

If you are using Fabric

, you can create tweets from the response using the methodTWTRTweet

+ (NSArray *)tweetsWithJSONArray:(NSArray *)array;


It creates an array of instances TWTRTweet

from a JSON response array based on the Twitter API.

NSArray *tweetData = [TWTRTweet tweetsWithJSONArray:responseFromTwitter];
[tableview  reloadData];


You can use tweet objects to populate the tableview in cellForRowAtIndexPath

. To get a tweet cell back,

- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
   static NSString *cellID = @"TweetCell";

    UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:cellID forIndexPath:indexPath];

        TWTRTweet *tweet = twitterResponse[indexPath.row];
        [(TWTRTweetTableViewCell *)cell configureWithTweet:tweet];

    return cell;



In Swift, you can do the following:

// Create an array of tweet model objects from a JSON array
tweetData = TWTRTweet.tweetsWithJSONArray(responseFromTwitter)

//create Tweet cells

override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
      let tweet = tweetData[indexPath.row]
      let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier(tweetTableReuseIdentifier, forIndexPath: indexPath) as TWTRTweetTableViewCell

      return cell


Hope it helps!

Link taken here



Small error occured with code Use this code which works best for me, set this code in a specific function on button action

 Twitter.sharedInstance().APIClient.sendTwitterRequest(request) {
                    (response, data, connectionError) -> Void in
        if (connectionError == nil) {
            var jsonError : NSError?
            let parsedResult  =
                            options: nil,
                            error: &jsonError) as NSDictionary
            if let tweets = parsedResult["status"] as? NSDictionary {
               for tweetsDict in tweets {
                   let title = tweetsDict["text"] as NSString
                   println("text: \(title)")
                   let coordinates = tweetsDict["coordinates"]
                   println("coordinates: \(coordinates)\n")
            }else {
                   println("Error: \(connectionError)")





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