How can I concatenate an array of numbers into 1 cascading number?

How do I join this array to give me the expected result in as few steps as possible?

var x = [31,31,3,1]
//expected output: x = 313131;



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6 answers

Use array method join

. join

concatenates the elements of the array into a string and returns a string. The default delimiter is a comma (,). The separator here must be an empty string.

var  x = [31,31,3,1].join("");




I can't think of anything else but, x)


or if you insist

+''.concat.apply('', x)


In ES6:



Usage reduce


+x.reduce((a, b) => a + b, '');


Or if you prefer

x.reduce(, '')


Another idea is to manipulate the array like a string, always a good approach., /,/g, '')


There may be other ways. Perhaps a Google search on "javascript array concatenation" will trigger some obscure function that concatenates the array elements.



Javascript join () will give expected output like string

. If you want it to be like number

, do this:

var x = [31,31,3,1];
var xAsString = x.join(''); // Results in a string
var xAsNumber = Number(x.join('')); // Results in a number, you can also use +(x.join(''))




Try join () like this

var x = [31,31,3,1]
var y = x.join('');

Run code



Try below.

var x = [31,31,3,1]
var teststring = x.join("");




This will work

var x = [31,31,3,1];
var result = x.join("");




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