Knockoutjs data file creates multiple items

I'm trying to find out knockouts. So I was reading an entry from this URL

I am just trying to run the code from the above url, but when I click the button more than one item is created Li

, it should only create one.

here is the html code

<ul data-bind="foreach: { data: myItems, afterAdd: yellowFadeIn }">
    <li data-bind="text: $data"></li>

<button data-bind="click: addItem">Add</button>


JS code

        myItems: ko.observableArray([ 'A', 'B', 'C' ]),
        yellowFadeIn: function(element, index, data) {

                      .animate({ backgroundColor: 'yellow' }, 200)
                      .animate({ backgroundColor: 'white' }, 800);
        addItem: function() {this.myItems.push('New item'); }


the above code was posted to the js knockout tutorial page but it doesn't work as expected. I also verified that the jquery animation function is called but does not change the bg color. What's wrong with the code?


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1 answer

You need jQuery to run this part:

$(element).filter("li").animate({ backgroundColor: 'yellow' }, 200).animate({ backgroundColor: 'white' }, 800);


If you don't have jquery, the yellowFadeIn function will fail and apparently the knockout will try to reapply previous attempts on every click.

see how you edited the script:

Note that the jQuery documentation for it animate

states that the property background-color

cannot be animated unless jquery.color is used .

There is a script here with the corresponding plugin added



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